General information

This site is published by SFBX, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint-stock company) with a share capital of €88,240, registered with the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Registry under number 831 303 896, having its registered office at 15 Place Canteloup, 33800 Bordeaux, France.

Telephone: +33 (0)5 56 74 58 08

Email : contact@sfbx.io

The publication director is Bruno Delcombel-Delbos.


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This site was developed by SFBX

What is Ad4good?

Ad4good is the first solidarity advertising network. If you accept personalised advertising on our site, you will be helping to finance some forty associations in need.

See the full list of associations on the Ad4good website

The Ad4good network is implementing 3 actions to ensure its mission:

  • Partnership between publishers and Ad4Good: part of the publisher's inventory is reserved for the distribution of solidarity ads. These ads are monetised by Ad4good, which then donates 50% of its margin to associations.
  • Partnership between advertisers and associations: each advertisement broadcast by the advertiser during an " Ad4Good" labelled campaign campaign generates a donation for the partner association of the campaign.
  • Partnership between publishers and associations: Ad4good offers publishers the opportunity to provide visibility to partner associations by reserving unused advertising space.

To allow the associations to continue their actions, you can accept in general or set the detail by allowing Store and/or access information on a terminal and Personalised advertising.

Ad4good, partner of the CMP AppConsent® for responsible and ethical advertising

We are partners with the Ad4good network, the first solidarity-based advertising network that brings together some forty associations.

See the full list of associations on the Ad4good website

The Ad4good network is implementing 3 actions to ensure its mission:

  • Partnership between publishers and Ad4Good: part of the publisher's inventory is reserved for the distribution of solidarity ads. These ads are monetised by Ad4good, which then donates 50% of its margin to associations.
  • Partnership between advertisers and associations: each advertisement broadcast by the advertiser during a campaign labelled "Ad4Good generates a donation for the partner association of the campaign.
  • Partnership between publishers and associations: Ad4good offers publishers the opportunity to provide visibility to partner associations by reserving unused advertising space.

What does this mean for your audience?

By opting in to the AppConsent® Xchange Solidaire offer, your participation will be mentioned on the first screen of your consent form.
If a user refuses collection for advertising purposes, a reminder screen will be displayed so that they can change their choices if they wish to be an actor of change towards more ethical advertising.

What are the eligibility criteria?

As a pre-requisite, your website must carry advertising. Once you have registered with AppConsent® Xchange Solidaire, you must have a significant amount of responsible advertising on your website (at least 20%).

The AppConsent® Xchange Solidaire offer allows you to take part in a more responsible advertising ecosystem focused on solidarity and environmental preservation.